BIOS Setup
MS-9149 ATX Server Board
Use this menu to specify your settings for frequency/voltage control.
Frequency/Voltage Control
Auto Detect PCI Clk
This item is used to auto detect the PCI slots. When set to
, the
system will remove (turn off) clocks from empty PCI slots to minimize the
electromagnetic interference (EMI). Settings:
Spread Spectrum
When the motherboard clock generator pulses, the extreme values (spikes) of
the pulses creates EMI (Electromagnetic Interference). The Spread Spectrum
function reduces the EMI generated by modulating the pulses so that the spikes
of the pulses are reduced to flatter curves. If you do not have any EMI problem,
leav e the s etting at
Disab led
for optimal syst em sta bility and pe rforma nce.
But if you are p lagued by EM I, set ting t o
Enab led
fo r EMI reduct ion. Re-
member to disable Spread Spectrum if you are o verclockin g because even a
slight jitter c an in troduc e a t empora ry boo st in clockspeed which may just
cause your overclocked processor to lock up.
PC Health Status
This section shows the status of yo ur CPU, fan, overall sy stem status,
etc. Monitor function is available only if there is hardware monitoring mecha-
nism on board.
Shutdown Temperature
This op tion is for setting the s hutdown temp erature level for the pro cessor.
When the processor reaches the temperature you set, the system will be shut
down. Options:
Disabl ed, 80
F, 85
F, 90
Voltage 0, VCC3, VCCP, VTT DDR, VCC DDR, 12V, VCC5V, Current CPU/
System Temp, Current CPU FAN1 Speed, Current SYS FAN1/2/3/4/5 Speed
Thes e items display the cu rrent st atus of all of the mon itored hardware de-
vices/components such as CPU voltages, temperatures and all fans’ speeds.
Th is set up scree n a ppe ars
only when the mBMC c hip (for Se rv er
Management) is not integrated on the mainboard