The SPEED RCF key is used to switch between viewing the speed or the
RCF. This key is also functional whilst the centrifuge is in motion.
The TIME key is used to adjust the length of time the user wishes to
centrifuge their samples for. The selectable time is 1 to 60 minutes. By
pressing this key whilst the centrifuge is in motion, the user can see at what
value was set at the beginning of centrifugation.
Increase parameter value.
Decrease parameter value.
5.3 Description of sounds
The Kestrel will make different ‘beep’ sounds depending on the information being
displayed. Below is a description for each type of beep:
One short beep
Confirmation that the command has been
Two short beeps
The command has not been accepted.
(e.g. setting the speed above 6 000 rpm)
One long beep
Signals the start of braking after pressing
the STOP key.
Five short beeps
The rotor has stopped and the lid can be
Five short beeps and one long beep
Signals that the centrifuge is ready after
switching the power on.