Mr. Fill
Pascalweg 16
4104 BG Culemborg
The Netherlands
Ultra Fill
Special precautions are needed to take the item (temporarily) out of service. Some familiarity with the
device is important. Safety is of the utmost importance when taking out of service.
10.1 Precautions and technical/administrative actions
It is important to let the appropriate people know when taking out of service. This might be for
repair/maintenance, or for permanent removal.
The people involved should be aware of this at all
. This can prevent awkward situations. Everyone involved should follow the relevant procedures.
A clear, clean work area is needed to store the equipment, too.
10.2 Procedures
Make sure the equipment has been cleaned thoroughly, the wheelie bin emptied and a full service
carried out before taking out of service for any length of time.
Remove the main fuse and make sure the transport lock is back in place holding the flap so it cannot
open. Tape the main fuse down somewhere so it does not get lost.
10.3 Safety Precautions and Regulations
When taking out of service, the user must comply with EU Directive 2006/42/EC. This is because the
equipment has been designed in accordance with this machinery directive. The equipment can be
taken out of service safely by following this directive.
10.4 Specific safety requirements
Users should be given adequate training beforehand in order to take out of service safely. Users
should be at least 18 years old to do this unsupervised. Anyone younger than this should be trained
and supervised by an adult.
10.5 Local and statutory regulations
In the Netherlands, legal requirements concerning taking equipment 'out of service' are specified in EU
Directive CEE 89/655. Please refer to this for more information.