Charging a Lithium-Ion Battery
Always fully charge the battery before using the instrument. The screen will display a battery icon
from empty (no bars) to fully charged (3 bars).
Follow this procedure to charge the instrument:
Plug the Micro-USB into the charging port at the bottom of the instrument.
Plug the USB connector* into either a) a personal computer, or b) into the AC/DC
adapter and plug the AC/DC adapter into the wall outlet.
The instrument begins charging automatically. The charging LED turns red to indicate
charging. During charging, the 3 bars in the battery icon on the instrument’s display are
animated. When the battery is fully charged, the LED turns green, the icon is no longer
animated and shows a full battery, and the message ‘Fully Charged’ is displayed.
: Any locally-obtained USB A to Micro B USB cable will work for charging, but will not
work for communication with mPower Suite configuration and data transfer software. The mPower
USB cable P/N M-011-3003-000 is required for a PC to recognize the instrument and communicate
with mPower Suite.
To reduce the risk of ignition of hazardous atmospheres, recharge and replace batteries only in areas
known to be non-hazardous. Use only mPower’s rechargeable lithium battery part number
Low Voltage Warning
When the battery’s charge falls below a preset voltage, the instrument warns you by
beeping once and flashing once every minute, and the “empty battery” icon blinks on and
off once per second. Turn off the instrument within 10 minutes and either recharge the
battery, or replace the battery with a fully charged one.
Clock Battery
An internal clock battery is mounted on one of the instrument’s printed circuit boards. This long-life
battery keeps settings in memory from being lost whenever the Li-ion battery or alkaline batteries
are removed. This backup battery should last approximately five years, and must be replaced by an
authorized mPower service technician. It is not user-replaceable.
Data Protection While Power Is Off
When the instrument is turned off, all the current real-time data including last measured values are
erased. However, the logged data are preserved in non-volatile memory, so that even if the battery is
disconnected, the logged data will not be lost.