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Unpack the press grill and remove all plastic bags, labelling stickers, filling materials and 
transport locks.


Verify that the power ratings on the rating plate of the press grill match your power mains 


Slide the top lid slider latch 

 open to the ‘OPEN’ mark and lift the top lid 

 open. The top 

lid can be locked closed with the top lid slider latch at the ‘LOCK’ mark. Check if the heating 

 are correctly mounted in the device.

WARNING! Never start the appliance without properly installed heating plates.


Clean the hot plates 

 and the fat drip pan 

 thoroughly with a wet cloth and wipe them 



Carry out the pre-heating operation of the grill plates prior to a commencement of operating 
of the grill. In this regard, position the equipment on a hard, dry, horizontal and even surface, 
connect it to the power grid, switch on with the use of the switch 

 and adjust the thermo-

stat tuning knob 

 to the MAX. position. Set the timer (14) for 5 minutes. After switching off, 

unplug from the power grid and wait until it has cooled down completely. A slight smoke 
emission may accompany the pre-heating of the plates, but will disappear during a further 
period of operation. 


Wipe the hot plates with a damp cloth and wipe them dry.


CAUTION! Before starting the press grill, make sure it is dry and that the room is well ventilated. 


Place the press grill on a firm, dry, level and smooth surface. 


Make sure that the fat container 

 is installed in the device.


Use the slider 

 to release the cover lock (slider in position 

) and open the cover to the vertical position. 

CAUTION! Lift the top lid 

 by the handle 



Spread some cooking fat on the heating plates 

. Close the 

top lid. 


Connect the equipment to the power grid and switch on the unit with switch

. The indica-

tor light 

 will go on when the grill is activated. Use the thermostat tuning knob 

 to set 

the proper grilling temperature. When the grill reaches the set temperature, the thermostat 
indicator light 

 will light up in green. Use lower temperatures for quiet grilling of delicate 

foods and higher temperatures for meat. 


Place the food to be grilled on both heating plates. The grilling time will depend on the type 
of food to be grilled. Periodically flip the food to the other side in order to fry it evenly. De-
pending on the results and your culinary tastes, adjust the grilling temperature. When plac-
ing food on the grill, make sure that you do not obstruct the grease flow into the grease 


While grilling, the indicator light of thermostat 


 will go off and on several times to 

indicate that the equipment is maintaining the set temperature. Due to a greater heat ex-
change with the environment, the equipment will carry out this operation more often than 
when the cover is closed.

Содержание MGR-12M

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Страница 7: ...iereczk p yty grzejne grilla a nast pnie wytrzyj do sucha U YCIE GRILLA PRZY P YTACH ZAMKNI TYCH UWAGA Przeduruchomieniemupewnijsi eurz dzeniejestca kowiciesucheawpomieszczeniuzapewniona jest wentylac...

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Страница 11: ...tusetheapplianceincaseofitsdamage alsoifitscord or plug is damaged in such case the appliance should be handed over to an authorized service shop for repair To avoid the risk of damage fire or injury...

Страница 12: ...use the appliance outdoors The appliance is not intended to be operated by means of an external timer or separate remote control system The device is intended for domestic use only This appliance is...

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Страница 15: ...efore starting the press grill make sure it is dry and that the room is well ventilated 1 Place the press grill on a firm dry level and smooth surface 2 Make sure that the fat container is installed i...

Страница 16: ...r to the left and hold it while you use your other hand to grasp the handle and tilt the top cover towards the back of the unit so that the cover rests with the handle on the countertop The heating pl...

Страница 17: remove the top hot plate likewise Both hot plates are identical and interchangeable Install each hot plate by engaging the two grooves in the hot plate with the two tabs in the hot plate seat next...

Страница 18: ...18 R U...

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Страница 21: ...21 R U 15 1 4 2 3 5 13 12 11 6 7 9 14 8 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15...

Страница 22: ...22 R U 1 2 3 OPEN LOCK 4 5 5 6 1 2 3 4...

Страница 23: ...23 R U 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 0 12 1 2 3 180 1 1...

Страница 24: ...24 R U 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 11 1 2...

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Страница 32: ...und nach dem Grillen Ger t mit dem Schalter abschalten Stecker von der Stromversorgung trennen und abwarten bis das Ger t abk hlt ACHTUNG Das Ger t nie im Wasser oder anderen Fl ssigkeiten eintauchen...

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Страница 37: ...rotiskluzov no ky 14 Knofl k asova e 15 Posuvn k otev en ho re imu Podle pot eby druhu p ipravovan ho pokrmu jeho velikosti a mno stv je mo n gril pou t ve dvou konfigurac ch suzav en mideskami d klad...

Страница 38: ...en um st te na pevn such stabiln rovn povrch 2 Ujist te se e na grilu je nainstalov na n dobka na zachyt v n tuku 3 Pojistkou uvoln te horn v ko pojistku do polohy OPEN a otev ete jej do svisl polohy...

Страница 39: a sklopte horn kryt k zadn sti za zen tak aby kryt spo val rukojet na desce stolu Varn desky budou sv rat hel 180 obr 1 POZOR B hem rozkl d n grilu mus b t za zen studen 4 Topn desky pot ete tukem...

Страница 40: ...y jsou identick a mohou b t mezi sebou zam ov ny P i mont i topn ch desek zp t na gril je p ilo te tak aby do dvou z ez v topn desce zapadly v n lky v sedle desky pot na desku zatla te sm rem ke grilu...

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Страница 43: ...y vy ia ke je spot rebi spusten Zariadenie neumiest ujte v bl zkosti ahko hor av ch ma teri lov ak s z clony z vesy obrusy a in ke e m e d js k po iaru Z str ku nevy ahujte zo z suvky ahan m za nap ja...

Страница 44: ...ej platne 13 Proti mykov no i ky 14 Gomb k asova a 15 P ka otvoren ho re imu Pod a potreby typu pripravovan ch potrav n ich ve kosti a mno stva gril sa d pou va v dvoch konfigur ci ch so zatvoren mi p...

Страница 45: ...outierajte dosu cha POU VANIE GRILU SO ZATVOREN MI PLAT AMI POZOR Predspusten mskontrolujte ijezariadenie plnesuch a ijevmiestnostizaru en dostato n vet ranie 1 Zariadenie polo te na tvrd such vodorov...

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Страница 47: ...arn platne s rovnak preto ich m ete navz jom zamie a Ke vklad te platne do zariadenia umiestnite ich tak aby dve preh beniny v platni zah ili odvah ikyvl kuplatne apotompritla teplat udol katak abysaz...

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