NPort IA5000A Series
Web Console Configuration
Max connection is usually used when the user needs to receive data from different hosts simultaneously. The
factory default is 1, this means that only one specific host can access this NPort IA5000A, and the Real COM
driver on that host will have full control over the port.
Max Connection 1:
Only a single host’s Real COM driver can access the specific NPort IA5000A serial port.
Max Connection 2 to 8:
Allows two to eight host’s Real COM drivers to access the specific NPort IA5000A serial port at the same time.
When multiple hosts’ Real COM drivers access the serial port at the same time, the COM driver only provides
pure data tunneling without control ability. This means that the serial port will use the parameter of the
firmware’s settings and not those of your application program (AP).
Application software that is based on the COM driver will receive a driver response of “success” when the
software uses any of the Win32 API functions. The firmware will only send the data back to the driver on the
Data will be sent first-in-first-out when the data is received by the NPort IA5000A from the Ethernet interface.
When "Max connection" is set greater than 1, this means that the NPort IA5000A will be using a “multi
connection application” (i.e., up to eight hosts are allowed access to the port at the same time). When using
a multi connection application, the NPort IA5000A will use the serial communication parameters set in the
console. All of the hosts connected to that port must use the same serial settings. If one of the hosts opens
the COM port with parameters that are different from the NPort IA5000A’s console setting, data
communication may not transmit properly.
Ignore jammed IP
Factory Default
No or Yes
If you select “No” when Max connections is > 1 and the serial device is transmitting data, in the event one of
the connected hosts is not responding, the second group of data will not be sent until all the data from the first
group has been successfully transmitted. If you select “Yes” for “Ignore jammed IP,” hosts that are not
responding will be ignored, but the data will still be transmitted to all the other hosts.
Allow driver control
Factory Default
No or Yes
If “Max connection” is greater than 1, NPort will ignore the driver control commands from all connected hosts.
However, if you set “Allow driver control” to “Yes,” control commands will be accepted. Note: Since the NPort
IA5000A may get configuration changes from multiple hosts, the most recent command it receives will take
Packing length
Factory Default
0 to 1024
Default = 0, The Delimiter Process will be followed, regardless of the length of the data packet. If the data
length (in bytes) matches the configured value, the data will be forced out. The data length can be configured
for 0 to 1024 bytes. Set to 0 if you do not need to limit the length.
Delimiter 1
Factory Default
00 to FF (hex)