NPort 5000 Series User Manual
Advanced Settings
Chapter 6
for detailed information about NPort Administrator’s Advanced Settings.)
Tx Mode:
In Hi-Performance mode, the driver immediately issues a “Tx Empty” response to the program
after sending data to the NPort. In Classical mode, the driver sends the “Tx Empty” response after
confirmation is received from the NPort. Classical mode is recommended if you want to ensure that all data
is sent out before further processing.
Tells the driver whether or not to use FIFO transmission.
Network Timeout:
Specifies when an open, close, or serial parameter change operation will time out.
Fast Flush:
When enabled, the driver flushes only the local buffer on the host for a Win32 PurgeComm()
function call. When disabled, both the local and remote buffers are flushed. If your application uses
PurgeComm() and it performance seems sluggish, try enabling Fast Flush.
Always Accept Open Requests:
Even if the driver cannot establish a connection with the NPort, the user's
software will still be able to open the mapped COM port, the same as with an onboard COM port.
Ignore TX Purge:
The application can use Win32 API PurgeComm to clear the output buffer and terminate
outstanding overlapped write operations. Select
Ignore TX Purge
if you do not want the output buffer to
be purged.
Apply Change
COM Mapping
in the
panel. Select
Apply Change
in the pop-up menu to save the
current COM mapping settings. Your application will now be able to access the target serial device using the
COM port.