Uf251_01d_oi_e.doc / Aug-16
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Setup Procedure
All basic functions of the converter can easily be set up by the DIL switches, without use of a
PC. For programming of advanced functions by PC see chapter
Self test: Upon power up, both front LED’s must be lit first, and the yellow status LED must
switch off after the self test has been concluded successfully (approx.1 sec.).
Conversion of voltage or current using a fixed frequency range
Settings: Set DIL-switch 2 to 5 according to chapter
and connect the input signal as described
. Depending on the selected frequency range, the unit will output a frequency
of 100 kHz, 10 kHz or 1 kHz with a full-scale input signal of 10 V or 20 mA.
Using a potentiometer for the input voltage and a fixed
frequency range
Settings: Set the DIL-switch 2 to 5 according to chapter
and connect the potentiometer as
. Depending on the selected frequency range, the unit will output a
frequency of 100 kHz, 10 kHz or 1 kHz with maximum setting of the potentiometer. Fine tuning
for maximum accuracy of the frequency must be performed by register setting via PC.
Conversion of a voltage or current using the freely adjustable
frequency range
Settings: Set the DIL-switch 2 to 5 according to chapter
and connect the input signal as
The output frequency range is set via PC. Use registers “Low Voltage”, “High Voltage”, “Low
Frequency” and “High Frequency” to define the frequency scaling.
The frequency set to register “Low Frequency” will be generated with an input signal as set to
register “Low voltage”. The frequency set to register “High Frequency” will be generated with
an input signal as set to register “High Voltage”.
The value of “High Frequency” does also affect the accuracy of the output frequency. Basically
there are two accuracy ranges which can be selected by register “High Resolution”:
High resolution (Parameter “High Resolution” = 1)
provides an accuracy of 0.1% at 250 kHz and a lowest possible frequency of 250 Hz
Standard resolution (Parameter “High Resolution” = 0)
provides an accuracy of 0.1% at 67 kHz, and a lowest possible frequency of 62.5 Hz