Uf251_01d_oi_e.doc / Aug-16
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Parameter Settings
In-Out Value Setting
Low Voltage:
High Voltage:
Low Frequency:
High Frequency :
These registers select the input and output signal range and define the
voltage-frequency curve of the converter. With an input voltage of “Low
Voltage” the frequency value entered to “Low Frequency” will be
generated and with an input voltage of “High Voltage” the frequency
value “High Frequency” will be generated.
General Setting
This register selects the generated marker pulse distance. E. g. a setting
of 2000 will generate a marker pulse every 2000 pulses of the output
frequency. The minimum setting of this register is 10.
The marker pulse generation is not affected by the setting of register
“Output Divider”, i.e. the marker pulse distance is calculated by the
originally generated frequency with no respect to the division.
The marker pulse is gated by channel A high and channel B high. Thus
the marker pulse length is ¼ of one pulse period.
The marker pulse does not recognize any direction and will always
appear after the number of preset pulses, even when the A/B direction
should have changed meanwhile!
Set Value:
With normal operating mode, when control input „SET“ is activated
(terminal 9), a fixed frequency value will be generated as defined by the
voltage entered to register “Set Value”. This means, when control input
“SET” is active, the unit operates as if a fixed input voltage of “Set
Value” would be applied to the input.
With other operating modes this register has no function.
This register activates and adjusts the floating average filter to smooth
unstable input signals. When register “Average” is set to 0, the floating
average filter is switched off. The higher the register setting, the
stronger the input signal is smoothed (see table below).
Setting of register “Average”:
Number of averaging cycles:
The floating average filter affects the response time of the frequency output.
With a setting of 6, a step change of the input signal will result in a step
response of the frequency output of approx. 120 ms delay. Decrementing
„Average” by 1 approximately halves the response time.
The floating average filter is only active in normal operation mode.