Dz260_05a_oi_e.doc / Dez-16
Page 35 / 40
Hints for Use of the Linearization Function
The linearization function of these units allow to convert a linear input frequency into a non-linear
developing, which can be indicated on the LCD display and which is also available as analog
signal or as serial data, for further processing.
There are 16 programmable x/y coordinates available, which can be set in any desired distance
over the full conversion range. Between two coordinates, the unit uses linear interpolation.
Therefore it is advisable to use more coordinates in a range with strong curves and only a few
coordinates where the curvature is less.
To specify an individual linearization curve, the „Linearisation Mode“ register must be set to
either 1 or 2.
The registers P1(x) to P16(x) are used to specify the coordinates on the x-axis. These are the
measuring values that the unit normally would generate according to the actual input frequency.
These settings must be in % of full scale.
Now enter the attached values to registers P1(y) to P16(y). These are the values that the unit will
generate instead of the x- values, i.e. P2(y) will substitute P2(x) etc.
x-registers must use continuously increasing settings, i.e. P1(x) must
have the lowest and P16(x) must have the highest setting
All entries use a percental format of xx.xxx% full scale.
Setting 000.000 % means zero output and setting 100.000 % means
full scale output.
With Linearisation Mode set to 1, it is a must to set P1(x) to 0 % and
P16(x) to 100 %. Linearisation is defined in the positive range only
and the negative range will be a mirror image of the positive range
with reference to zero.
With Linearisation Mode set to 2, it is a must to set P1(x) to –100 %
and P16(x) to +100 %. This enables the user to set curves which are
not symmetric to the zero position.
P1(x)= 0%
Linearisation Mode = 1
Linearisation Mode = 2
P1(x)= -100%
P1(y)= 95%
P8(x)= 0%
P8(y)= 80%
P16(y)= -60%
P16(y)= 80%
*) Output mode = 0