Dz260_05a_oi_e.doc / Dez-16
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(settings for analog outputs)
Setting Range
Analogue Format
Output format and range of the analog output
0 -10 V to +10 V
1 0 V to +10 V
2 4 mA to 20 mA
3 0 mA to 20 mA
Analogue Start *)
Start value (engineering units) for 0 V resp. -10 V or 0 mA / 4 mA
Please note: „Analog Start“ represents the value, where the
analog output should start with 0 V. )*
… see example below
- 1000000.0
… + 1000000.0
Analogue End
End value (engineering units) for 10 V or 20 mA
- 1000000.0
… + 1000000.0
Analogue Swing
Max. output value (1.00 = 10 V or 20 mA)
Example: adjustment for a limitation to 8 V = 00.80
0 ... 10.00
Analog Offset
Shift of the zero position (mV)
-9999 ... 9999
Analogue ABS
Only positive voltage values are displayed.
Please note: Independent of the parameters Analogue Start and
Analogue End, only positive values are displayed. At normal
case (Analogue ABS=0) the displayed voltage value is for
example -1,234V. If Analogue ABS=1, in this case 1,234V would
be displayed.
0 ... 1
The settings above are at the same time used to generate the Basic Value 0 - 10 000
(corresponding to 0 - 100,00 %), which finally can be read out from the serial register
with access code :8 (see
*) Example: If a display range of -250 to +250 must output a proportional analog range
from -10 V to +10 V, the “Analog Start” parameter must be set to 0 and the “Analog End”
value to +250.