Vanguard Routing Model
LANView of the WAN - Group LCONs
You configure the LANView using the LAN Connection Table described on
“Configuring LAN Connection Table” section on page 3-11. Configuration
parameters are also described in the Vanguard Configuration Basics Manual.
LANView configuration is similar to LAN Connection configuration. Entering the
same Router Interface address for several LAN Connections ties all desired LAN
Connections to the same Router Interface.
Booting Connections Within the Group
Booting any LAN Connection that is part of a group does not affect any other LAN
Connections belonging to that group. Also, any LAN Forwarder changes, Bridge
Link Number Changes, or Router Interface Number changes (unless the Router
Interface is already associated with a group) require a Node boot to take effect. Other
changes can take effect with a LAN Connection boot.
You can perform the following operations without a node boot; only a LAN
Connection boot is required:
• Configure a new LAN Connection and boot it into an existing LAN
Connection Group
• Move a LAN Connection from one LAN Connection Group to another.
RIP Split Horizon
On broadcast-type networks, RIP split horizon reduces the possibility of routing
loops by blocking information about routes from being advertised out the interface
from which it originated.
Since LANView makes multiple remote nodes reachable through a single Router
Interface, you must disable RIP Split Horizon on that Router Interface for all nodes
to receive all necessary routing information.
When you disable split horizon, internal hold down timers ensure that nodes stop
“listening” after a network failure. This eliminates the possibility of accepting any
route misinformation and allows time for the failure information to work its way into
all the routing databases.
The following limitations apply to the LANView feature:
• Bridging traffic is not allowed over On Demand SVCs that are part of a
LANView. However, Bridging traffic is allowed over permanent SVCs that
are part of LANView.
• X.25 PVCs are not supported as part of a LAN Connection Group.