Q. My phone was stolen. What should I report and to whom?
Report a stolen phone to the police and to your Service Provider (the
company that sends you your monthly wireless service bills).
Q. I plugged the data cable
into my phone but my phone did not
beep. How do I know if the data cable is ready to go?
The beep is a sure sign that you are setup correctly. If you did not hear the
beep, the first thing to check is that your phone is data capable. To do so, see
page 118.
Next make sure that both ends of the data cable are connected, the smaller
end to your phone and larger to your computer. Also check the model
number of the cable to be sure you have the right one. Look for SYN7464
printed on the cable.
If all of the above checks out, your computer may have deactivated the port
to save power. Try opening an application that uses the port, like a fax or
dial-up application, and your computer will automatically activate the port.
Q. My phone beeped when I attached the data cable
but my fax
and data applications don’t work at all. What’s wrong?
Keep in mind that you must be in an area with digital coverage. Check your
phone’s display for
to be sure you’re in a digital coverage area.
Some wireless networks may not support data or fax transmission. If you see
the digital indicator but you are roaming on an unfamiliar network, this
may be the case.
Also remember that data and fax transmission usually requires a
subscription. Call your Service Provider for more information.
Q. When sending data
with the data cable, why does the
computer show a connection rate of 19200 Kbps?
19200 is the rate of the connection between your computer and the phone.
The rate of the connection between your phone and the network is displayed
on your phone and will be either 14400 or 9600.
* Contact your Service Provider for availability.