CPCI-6020 CompactPCI Single Board Computer Installation and Use (6806800A51C
CNFG and ENV Commands
ENV - Set Environment
The value or identifier to the right of the equal sign is displayed as left-justified character (ASCII)
strings padded with space characters, and quotes (“) are displayed to indicate the size of the
string. Values that are not in quotes are considered data strings, and data strings are right-
justified. The data strings are padded with zeroes if the length is not met.
The Board Information Block is factory-configured before shipment. There is no need to modify
block parameters unless the NVRAM is corrupted. Refer to the
CPCI-6020 CompactPCI Single
Board Computer Programmer’s Reference Guide
for the actual location and other information
about the Board Information Block. Refer to the
PPCBug Firmware Package User's Manual
a description of CNFG and examples.
ENV - Set Environment
Use the ENV command to view and/or configure interactively all PPCBug operational
parameters that are kept in Non-Volatile RAM (NVRAM). Refer to the
PPCBug Firmware
Package User's Manual
for a description of the use of ENV.
Listed and described next are the parameters that you can configure using ENV. The default
values shown were those in effect when this publication went to print.
Configuring the PPCBug Parameters
You can configure the PPCBug parameters using ENV command with the following arguments:
Bug, AST, or System environment [B/A/S] = B?
Maximum Memory Usage (Mb, 0=AUTO) = 2?
The maximum amount of DRAM that PPCBug is allowed to allocate for its own purposes.
The CPCI-6020 has no local SCSI Bus controller, hence, the Local SCSI Identifier
parameter is ignored by the PPCBug.
Bug is the mode where no system type of support is displayed. However, system-
related items are still available. (Default).
Abbreviated Self-Test
System is the standard mode of operation, and is the default mode if NVRAM should
fail. System mode is defined in the PPCBug Firmware Package User’s Manual.
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