8. Map
The MotionX Map view shows a track of your movement in relation to a map. Choose
from fourteen different map types, including road, aerial, hybrid, terrain, and marine.
Optionally display your waypoints, speed/heading, track history, and a coordinate grid
If there are multiple waypoints in the same area, a group sign indicating the number of
waypoints will be shown if you select this option from Options>Signs. TapTap® the sign
or zoom to see the individual waypoints.
Use the MotionX TapTap® tool to create a new waypoint on the map. Move the map or
change zoom levels to position the marker. As the map is moved, the coordinates of the
waypoint as well as the range and bearing from your current location are displayed.
US and Foreign Patents Granted and Pending.
Fullpower®, MotionX®, TapTap®, and ShakeShake® are registered trademarks of Fullpower Technologies,
All other trademarks remain the property of their respective owners. © Copyright 2003-2013 Fullpower Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved.
Waypoint markers:
Start track
End track
Navigation to a
waypoint started
Waypoint to which
you are navigating
Initial position at
app launch
markers; shape
depends on the
number of
waypoints in the
current field of
Position estimated with
network triangulation
Position unknown; no
GPS signal
Current position;
good GPS signal
Weak GPS signal
(borderless blue circle)
“Headlight” indicates
direction up mode
Position estimated
using Wifi hotspots
TapTap® or zoom in
to see the individual