MN0090-05 Page 60 of 68 18008
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Drive Chain Tension Adjustment
The drive chains transmit the drive motor movements to worm drive to move
the MPT-90 to the commanded position. Adjust the tension of either the Pan
or Tilt Drive Chain as follows:
1) Remove eighteen screws and washer and remove the Front Access
2) Using a Phillips head screwdriver, loosen the screw at the center of the
Chain Idler.
3) Slide the Chain Idler towards the center of the chain to apply tension and
away from the center of the chain to loosen tension (see NOTE below).
4) Tighten the screw at the center of the Chain Idler.
5) Replace the Front Access Cover.
A small amount of slack in the chain is acceptable without affecting
backlash. If the chain is too tight, it may cause binding and/or excessive
chain and bearing wear. Do not apply excess tension to the chains.
Figure 16: Drive Chain