MN0090-05 Page 36 of 68 18008
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Limit Rings (Hard Stops) are provided to limit the degree of travel in the tilt
path. The pan travel is continuous and the tilt travel can be narrowed from
the maximum of 180° (±90° from horizon) to a lesser value.
Caution on Mobile Mounting
When using a Pan & Tilt in mobile applications, transporting an unsupported
system payload can cause mechanical overloading due to the shock and
vibration associated with movement over normal road surfaces.
These forces can be amplified further if travelling off-road, or if the positioner
system is mounted on a moveable platform such as a boom arm or telescopic
mast. In certain conditions, these dynamic forces added to the normal P&T
payload can have a cumulative effect and ultimately cause structural failure of
the positioner.
When designing transportable systems, make sure the payload is secured
during transit to assure that shock and vibration is not transmitted to the tilt
arm or table top by an unsupported load.