Electric and Electronic equipment (EEE) contains materials, components and elements which can be haz-
ardous to people and the environment when the waste of electric and electronics equipment (WEEE) is not
disposed of correctly.
Products that are marked by the below “crossed over waste bin” are electric and electronic products. The
crossed over waste bin symbolizes that waste of electric and electronic equipment should be disposed of along
with normal waste, but should be collected separately.
For this purpose, all local communities have established collection systems, where waste of electric and elec-
tronic can be handed in cost free at either recycling stations, local collection points or directly from the con-
sumer. Further information can be found via the local communities’ technical department.
Consumers of electric and electronic equipment are forbidden to dispose of their electric and electronic
equipment along with other waste products. Consumers of electric and electronic equipment are to use the
local collection systems to reduce the environmental damage connected with the disposal of electric and elec-
tronic equipment and increase the possibilities of recycling of electric and electronics equipment.