Impel™ Backplane and Daughtercard Tooling
Doc. No: TM-622018899
Release Date: 02-21-14
Page 6 of 25
Revision: A
Revision Date: 02-21-14
General Description
This manual covers the tooling available to press Molex
Impel™ Backplane Headers and Daughtercard Modules
into printed circuit boards. Repair tools and custom tools
are also covered. All insertion tooling is designed for use
in a flat platen press.
The press-in tooling is designed so that one module will
press in one connector, or several modules can be
mounted in a tool holder and be used to press in any
combination of connectors in one operation. See Section
4-2 (Ordering Instructions) for details.
1.3 Technical Specifications
Dimensions and Weight
The dimensions and weight depend on the size of the
tooling used.
1.4 Delivery Check
Carefully remove the tooling from its shipping container
and check to be sure what was received matches the
purchase order and no damage has occurred.
1.5 Tools
A metric hex wrench set will be required to assemble or
disassemble tooling mounted in the optional tooling
Molex Presses
Molex does not offer a press that is suitable for this
application. The customer is encouraged to use one
of the many industry-standard presses to install the
Impel™ connectors.
1.6 Press Requirements
All Impel™ insertion tools are designed for use in a flat
platen (or flat rock) press.
The press must have sufficient working area to accept the
size of the printed circuit board.
The press frame and base must withstand the insertion force
requirements for the Impel™ products.
Insertion Force Requirements
Backplane assemblies: 2.7kgf (6 lb.) per pin
Daughtercard assemblies: 1.8kgf (4 lb.) per pin
Press Operation Characteristics
The capability to detect force variations as low as 4.5kg
(10 lb.) during the press-in cycle; excessive force
measurement should stop the press-in cycle.
The rate of pressing can be regulated as low as
0.13mm (0.005 in) per second.
Press stroke control to within ±0.25mm (0.010 in.).
Total press stroke must be at least 19mm (0.75 in.).