SkanWasher 400 User Guide
Chapter 6: Maintenance
Daily Maintenance
Run daily maintenance at the end of each run and end of day. Decontaminate
the instrument, externally and internally, after using infectious materials in the
instrument. Commercially available laboratory decontaminants may be used.
Follow their manufacturer's directions for proper use.
Step 1
Disconnect buffer inlet and pressure tubing from instrument.
Step 2
Connect rinse inlet and pressure tubing to instrument and rinse reser-
voir bottle (distilled water).
Step 3
Verify waste tubing is connected to outlet port.
Step 4
Insert a clean microplate into the microplate holder.
Step 5
Press the
key to enter the Rinse/Prime mode.
Step 6
Press the
key a second time to start the rinse program.
The rinse program will rinse for 5 seconds and then soak the
probe tips for 5 seconds. This cycle is repeated 3 times.
Step 7
Remove microplate by pressing the
key twice.
Step 8
If end of the day, proceed with Empty Wash Head Procedure.
If further washing will be performed later the same day, turn instru-
ment off and start new wash with prime.
Consult chemical
resistance chart to verify that
decontaminant solution will not
harm materials used on the
SkanWasher 400.