EPM1000 User’s Guide
! Warning
If an EPM1000 doesn't detect the presence of a PowerMax
probe, it monitors the pyroelectric/silicon input for signal peaks. The
EPM1000 will not automatically read the probe's responsivity as it does
with a thermopile probe, so the responsivity must be programmed
Warning: Follow all laser safety procedures. Laser must be blocked or
switched off before beginning this procedure.
Caution: Do not exceed the power/energy density limits for the
pyroelectric probe as defined in the probe's data sheet.
1. Place the pyroelectric detector in the path of the
laser beam in such a way that the beam will strike
the center of the probe surface when power is
2. Connect the detector to the EPM1000 rear panel. In
most cases, this connection will be the Pulse In
connector, but in such cases as the J9-0660
pyroelectric probe, this will be the 25-pin Smart
Probe connector.
3. Turn the EPM1000 on. If the EPM1000 isn't in
normal mode, place it into normal mode by
pressing .
4. Program the EPM1000 with the correct responsivity
by pressing and entering the value using
the numeric entry keys. The proper responsivity
value should be printed on a label attached to the
probe. Note that the EPM1000 expresses respon-
sivity as Volts/Joules, so if the probe responsivity is in
other units (such as V/mJ), it must be converted
before entry.
5. Switch the laser on or unblock the beam. Verify
proper beam alignment on the probe surface.
6. Adjust the range by pressing or until the
annunciator activates and an energy reading
appears on the digital display. Note that at lower
frequencies, the
annunciator will indicate each
valid pulse by flashing on once, but at higher
frequencies, it is activated continually as long as valid
pulses arrive at the input. A display reading of OL
indicates the selected range is too low.
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