2. Preparing the keel, stem and sternpost
The keel and the two pieces of the stem are laminated from 3/32
basswood. An innovation introduced by Model Shipways is that
the rabbet and bearding lines are laser engraved on these parts com-
pletely eliminating the need to transfer these lines from the plans to
the wood pieces. This greatly improves the accuracy of these lines
and eases the carving of the rabbet in the next step.
Make sure you have firmly in mind that these parts are to be assem-
bled so the rabbet and bearding lines are visible port and starboard.
Do not use a heavy coat of water based glue to laminate these parts
as the water content may cause them to warp. A better method is to
use a few spots of carpenters glue, clamp the parts together and then
run a little thin CA glue around the seams. The CA will wick into
the joint welding the parts together. A few scrap pieces of 3/32
thick basswood in the frame heel slots as shown in photo 1 above
will help you to align the pieces.
Assemble and glue together the 3 pieces, stem, keel, and sternpost.
Note that the sternpost is a single piece of laser cut 3/16 thick
basswood. Do this over the plans on sheet 2 as shown in photo 2
below. It is more important that the inside curve of the assembly
match the plans than that the scarf joints are a tight fit. Any gaps
in the joints can be filled. Protect your plans with a sheet of waxed
paper or cling wrap. Weight these pieces in place until the glue
has dried.
Check the fit of the keel assembly to the false center keel piece and
make any adjustments.
3. Preparing the molds
While the glue is drying on your keel assembly is a good time to get
out the molds, 1 through 15, and glue on the sheer tabs. Cut 30
pieces of 3/32 x 3/16 basswood to about 1 1/2 inches length.
Glue these to the molds aligned with the laser engraved lines on the
molds as shown on sheet 2 and photo 3 below. They should project
from the molds about 3/8 inches. The sheer tabs define the sheer
and also provide a clamping surface.
Photo 2, stem, keel and sternpost assembly
Photo 3, applying the sheer tabs