2nd Row:
A-H (Pawn)
Move a
one to two squares directly forward if it has not yet
moved. Move it just one space directly forward if it has moved
previously. Move it forward to a diagonal, adjacent square to
Move a
any number of spaces forward, backwards or to
either side. Move in only one direction each turn. Move a
any number of spaces in any diagonal direction. Move in only
one direction each turn.
Move a
in an "1-2 shaped direction. The Knight moves
two spaced in either a horizontal or vertical direction and then
one space perpendicular to the previous two spaces, or one
space horizontally or vertically and then two spaces
perpendicular to the previous space.
Move a
any number of spaces in any horizontal, vertical,
or diagonal direction.
Move a
one space in any horizontal, vertical, or diagonal
direction. The King cannot move into "check" and must move out
of check, if possible. The Knight is the only piece that can "jump
over" other pieces in its path.
Decide who will play white and who will play black. The white player
moves first. Take turns making legal moves with one piece at a time.
Capture your opponent's pieces by legally moving one of your
pieces onto a square by one of your opponent's pieces. Protect your
King from capture by moving it out of danger, blocking it with other
pieces or capturing would-be-captures with your pieces. Place your
opponent's King in check by positioning your pieces such that your
opponent's King is in immediate danger of being captured. Place
your opponent's King in checkmate by positioning your pieces such
that your opponent's King cannot avoid being captured. If you
accomplish this, you win the game. If your Pawn makes it to your
opponent's first row, it becomes any piece of your choice other than