11.4. Setup Tool for M72R8 / M72S8 Rack Cases
The PC software tool is intended to set the M72R1 and M72S1 Charge / IEPE Signal Condi-
tioners in M72R8 or M72S8 rack cases via USB. All settings of the signal conditioners can be
controlled from the PC. The settings can be saved to and restored from files.
The program is compatible with Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8 and 10.
Please download the zip compressed file
from our web page
and unzip it on your PC. In the extracted folder start
and follow the instructions. You
may change the installation folders but in most cases the default folders can be used. In addition
to the program the LabView runtime environment from National Instruments will be installed (if
not done yet) which may take some time.
Go to the start menu of your PC and click under
Metra Radebeul
. The pro-
gram window opens as shown in Figure 11.
The rack case M72R8 or M72S8 should now be connected to the PC and the device driver in-
stalled as described in section 11.2. When the driver is properly installed each rack case will be
automatically assigned to a virtual COM port. The COM port number can be seen in Windows
under Control Panel / System / Device Manager. Several rack cases can be operated on one PC
by using different USB ports or a USB hub. Each one will be assigned to an individual COM
Select the virtual COM port of the rack case in the pull-down menu
USB/COM port
of the setup
Enter the
Rack Address
(0 to F) as adjusted by the DIP switch on the rear panel of the rack case.
Now a connection to the rack case and its modules can be established. Click
Read Settings
transfer the current settings of the 8 modules in the addressed rack case. The modules from the
left to the right are numbered in the software as
Channel 0
Channel 7
Figure 11: Blank Program window