11.3. Interface Commands
All commands are structured as follows:
The commands always begin with a hash symbol followed by the address (R) of the rack enclo-
sure (0 to F). Next the address of the module (M) appears at its location in the rack enclosure.
The address of the left module is 0 and the right module 7.
Next, the actual commands appear (x).
A command is saved when the
symbol is sent.
Permitted commands with valid parameters are acknowledged by
If a command is incorrect the answer is
The following commands are supported:
write device name
n: name (exactly 20 capital letters, spaces or numbers)
command acknowledgment:
error at invalid parameters:
Send example:
set default parameters
command acknowledgment:
save all settings to non-volatile memory (from version 001.005)
command acknowledgment:
set gain
g: gain 0: 0.1 (only with Q); 1: 1; 2: 10; 3: 100; 4: 1000
command acknowledgment:
error at invalid parameters:
Send example:
(Gain = 1)
high pass / integrator on/off
h: 0: high pass off; 1: high pass on; 2: single integrator; 3: double integrator
command acknowledgment:
error at invalid parameters:
Send example:
(high pass off)
select input
i: 0: charge input; 1: IEPE input; 2: voltage input (without IEPE supply)
command acknowledgment:
error at invalid parameters:
Send example:
(IEPE input)
keypad lock on/off
k: 0: keypad lock off; 1: keypad lock on
command acknowledgment:
error at invalid parameters:
Send example:
(keypad lock on)