Chapter One: General Information
Chapter One: General Information
The MKS Mass-Flo
Controllers covered in this manual include:
MFCs with normally closed valves
Type 1159B - MFC with Type “D” connector/valve normally closed
Type 1160B - MFC with Recessed P.C. Edge Card connector/valve normally closed
Type 2159B - Type 1159B with a NUPRO
BN positive shut-off valve downstream
Type 2160B - Type 1160B with a NUPRO BN positive shut-off valve downstream
MFCs with normally opened valves
Type 1162B - MFC with Type “D” connector/valve normally open
Type 1163B - MFC with Recessed P.C. Edge Card connector/valve normally open
Type 2162B - Type 1162B with a NUPRO BN positive shut-off valve downstream
Type 2163B - Type 1163B with a NUPRO BN positive shut-off valve downstream
These MKS Mass-Flo Controllers are elastomer sealed thermal flow controllers and will be
collectively referred to as the 1100 Series in this manual.
These mass flow controllers (MFCs) accurately measure and control the mass flow rate of gases.
Based upon an MKS patented measurement technique (U.S. Patent Nos. 4464932, 4679585;
Foreign Patents - Patents Pending), each instrument is a laminar flow device whose precise
indication of mass flow is achieved through the use of a range controlling changeable bypass and
a parallel sensor tube. All controllers in the 1100 Series have a three-inch footprint and feature
the ability to accept TTL level commands to remotely open and close the control valve. The
controllers include a metal cover and RF bypass capacitors, and incorporate a design that
virtually eliminates RFI and EMI interference.
The MFC 1100 Series instruments may be powered, set point commanded, and their output
displayed by complimentary MKS equipment (Types 147/647, 160, 246, 247), or by customer
supplied devices. (Additionally, the 167 unit can be used as a readout and set point generator, but
it does not supply power; the 660 unit can be used as a power supply and readout, though it
cannot send a set point to the flow controller.) Refer to the corresponding manuals for
requirements and instructions.
The MKS MFC instruments are modular in concept and are available in a variety of types and
configurations to suit specific needs.
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