MKS Instruments UK Ltd
Cirrus2 Hardware Manual – SP101017.100 June 2011
Temperature Settings
The Heat/Bake option should be set to Bake for the initial bake out to reduce the water background. After this period,
running at the lower temperature of Heat is adequate in preventing the condensation of vapours in the vacuum chamber
which could lead to memory effects.
Often it is not necessary to have the system heater on at all, but this will depend on the application.
The Cirrus is designed to allow continuous operation using the Faraday detector, with the system heater on Bake or
Capillary Heater
Use the Capillary Heater to lessen the chance of vapour condensing in the capillary leading to memory effects, or even
blockage. Whether you need to heat the capillary or not depends on the application and the nature of the gases being
The Cirrus2 is designed to allow the capillary heater to be run continuously.
Shutting Down
The Cirrus2 should be left to run continuously unless it is not to be used for an extended period of time, or it needs to be
shut down for maintenance.
To shut down the Cirrus2:
1. Switch off the Capillary and System heaters.
2. Switch off the quadrupole filaments.
3. Wait 10 minutes to allow the filaments to cool.
4. Stop the turbo by clicking the “Pump” button, you should be able to hear the pumps stop and the vent valve open.
5. Wait 5 minutes for the system to cool further and come to a full stop.