7BChapter Four: Operation
Nine (9) Objects are supported in the DMA. The Objects and their functions are listed by class
code in Table 19, page 52.
The attributes and services associated with each Object Model are defined throughout this
chapter. Descriptions are supplied for the attributes and services that are either MKS-specific or
require additional specifications beyond the DeviceNet and SEMI specifications [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]. A
summary of the attributes is listed in Table 51, page 95. A summary of the supported services is
listed in Table 52, page 103.
For each attribute, the following information is supplied:
Attribute ID # (hex value)
Data Type
User and Calibration Mode Access, which may be “read only” (R) or “read/write” (RW)
Nonvolatile Memory, which is “Y” (yes) if stored in nonvolatile RAM or “N” (no) if not
stored in nonvolatile RAM
Data Variable(s)
Factory Default Setting, which is set when you use the Restore_Default service
Values stored in nonvolatile RAM are saved when the power is turned off. When
power is restored, the device “remembers” the latest configuration, not the default
setting. To restore the various attributes to their factory default settings, you must
use the Restore_Default service. Refer to
Restore Default
, page 107, for more
For each supported service, the following information is supplied:
Service ID # (hex value)
Service Name
Parameter Data Type
Service Type (request or notification)
The supported services and their required parameters are defined in
Service Summary,
page 103.
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