1.3 Compatible Digital Recorders
- When the Digital Recorder is in its communication
mode operation via the recorder’s front panel or its RS-232C terminal
is not possible while the recorder is in this mode. (Please note this restriction when
operating the recorder using its RS-232C interface.) The communication mode can
be cancelled by pressing the disconnect. ( “REMOTE” LED will be turned off. )
- If the DX-PC3 software cannot be exited normally (due to PC Lockup, interruption
in the communication line, or other causes), the digital recorder will
operate in the following way.
1. The connection indicator stays illuminated for 3
minutes. During this time, the recorder cannot accept most operation
commands or new communication requests.
2. When the recorder is in the above state, a press of the COMMUNICATION
button will turn off the connection indicator light, but the recorder will not accept
any operation commands. You must wait 3minutes or press the rear panel
When the DVR’s hardware is reset, the DVR’s time and date will also be reset.
Please re-enter the correct time and date after turning on the DVR. After this,
connection to the DVR via the LAN connection can be done.