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EMC Directive
The new Directive was issued on December 15, 2004 by reviewing the provisions in the
EMC Directive (89/336/EEC) issued on May 3, 1998. The new Directive has been
effective since July 20, 2007. Main changes from the EMC Directive (89/336/EEC) are
the following.
(1) Defining the applicable scope (exclusion of fixed installation)
(2) Simplifying the method to declare conformity (Self-declaration due to the
discontinuation of declaration through the Competent Body.)
(3) Reinforcing the submission of traceability information
(4) Obligating the production of technical documentation
(5) Reinforcing the market monitoring
European Standards (EN)
To affix CE marking on a product as defined in the EC Directives, the product must
conform with the applicable regulation of the European Standards, and appropriate
measures must be taken to ensure the safety of the product.
The European Standards was constituted to remove trade barriers for the people, goods,
capital and service in Europe, which had received increased interest since the EC market
integration in 1992. European Standards are harmonized standards that tries to
standardize different standards, codes and assessment system.
The following European Standard applies to the EMC Directive for the adjustable speed
electrical power drive system including an inverter.
requirements and specific test methods
Mitsubishi inverter is capable of conforming with the Second environment/Restricted
distribution of above standard by practicing the EMC measures stated on the following pages.
(Refer to page 1-1 for the applicable inverters.)