Wh i t e B r e a d R e c i p e s
W h i t e
1 Pound Loaf
Water, 80° F
4 fl oz ( ½ c)
Applesauce, unsweetened
½ c
Vegetable Oil
2 tbsp
2 tbsp
1 tsp
Oats, quick or old-fashioned
½ c
Bread Flour
2 ¼ c
Active Dry Yeast
2 ¼ tsp
A p p l e s a u c e Oat m e a l B r e a d
A great tasting all-purpose bread.
1 Pound Loaf
Water, 80° F
6 ½ fl oz (¾ c + 1tbsp)
1 tbsp
Butter or Margarine
1 tbsp
Bran Flakes Cereal
2/3 c
Bread Flour
2 c
Dry Milk
1 tbsp
1 tsp
Active Dry Yeast
1 ½ tsp
B r a n B r e a d
Add ready-to-eat bran flakes cereal to this recipe for a different texture and taste, plus added
fiber and nutrition. Do not crush bran flakes into measuring cup when measuring.
Flakes will become crushed during the kneading period.