MBD-2 Operating Manual
15-00167, Rev 1
Reading Data from the MBD-2
The MBD-2 is a read-only device. Measurement data that is recorded and stored in the
MBD-2 memory can be transferred using a “smart” reader device (i.e.; smartphone with
software application [“App”]).
Measurement data is saved in MBD-2 resident memory and the newest values over period of
15 days is maintained in the NFC chip memory. The MBD-2 is configured to perform two daily
“reads”, where a dose or measurement record is saved to memory including a date and time
stamp. These records are maintained on the MBD memory and the NFC memory chip until
the space allotment is filled. Once the data is transferred, new data records are recorded into
the available space (i.e.; cyclic memory).
“Instant” data can be transferred from the MBD-2. When a reader device communicates with
the MBD-2 NFC chip, an instant read is initiated and the most current log data recorded will
be transferred with current total dose measurement. This can take place only when there is
dose value given on the display. So during ‘init’ phase or if the main battery is removed /
exhausted, no current dose value is available.
When an external NFC reader device is used, the data is transferred from the dosimeter over
the air in binary format. Using Mirion standard reader application, the results can be sent as
text files and transferred from the Smartphone to a computer for further action.
Data formats and NFC protocol information is available in external documentation.
The O-Ring provides the battery compartment a barrier and protection from moisture and
dust intrusion. The O-Ring should be:
a. Confirmed to be in place whenever the main battery cover is opened
b. Inspected for condition when replacing the main battery.
Inspection and Replacement
a. Remove and inspect the O-Ring for indications of wear and degradation, to include, cuts,
shedding, twisting, or uneven placement.