See the
UDACT-300A Installation and Operation Manual LT-888
for more information.
ALCN-960MISO Quad Loop Adder Module with ALCN-960D Daughter
The Quad Loop Adder module provides two SLC loops, plus an additional two SLC loops as
part of the daughter board ALCN-960D which is mounted over the ALCN-960MISO. The Quad
Loop Adder module may be mounted over the fire alarm board in any chassis that supports
adder boards. Refer to the Display and Adder Modules section for mounting applications. This
module is mounted using four #6 screws and (if necessary) four 1 1/2" spacers.
This module cannot be installed if a city tie module is used.
The power is supplied to the board via cable from the main fire alarm
board or from the previous loop controller module into the P1 POWER
IN connector. Connect the P2 POWER OUT connector to the next loop
controller module or other adder module. One power cable is supplied
with this module.
The RS-485 cable comes attached at P4 on the ALCN-960MISO and is
either connected to P3 of the main fire alarm controller module or
connected from the previous loop controller module or other adder
board. If the next loop controller module is used, connect the RS-485
out at P3 for ALCN-960MISO to the next loop controller module; if it is
not used, leave without connection.
DIP Switches:
Use the DIP switches to set the binary address of the board. SW1-1 is
the lowest significant digit and ON is active. For example, an address of
two would be created by turning SW1-1 OFF, SW1-2 ON and DIP
switches SW1-3 to SW1-8 OFF. Refer to Appendix C
for DIP switch
Loop 1:
This is the addressable loop for all initiating devices. Wire the loop as
shown in Figure 33, Figure 34 and Figure 35
Loop 2:
This is the addressable loop for all initiating devices. Wire the loop as
shown in Figure 33, Figure 34 and Figure 35
If the loops are shielded, connect the shields to the terminals marked
COM(-). To prevent the board reporting a ground fault, do not connect
shields on SLC lines to earth ground.
Note: Unshielded wiring is preferred.
•JW1: Factory use only. Leave open.
•JW2: Factory use only. Leave closed.
JTAG Port:
This connection is for factory use only.
USB Port
This connection is for factory use only.