3. Safety
MiR1000 Quick start (en) 06/2020 - v.1.2 ©Copyright 2019-2020: Mobile Industrial Robots A/S.
Using MiR1000 to transport people
Using MiR1000 on steep surface grades, such as ramps
Exceeding the total payload of 1000 kg
Positioning or fastening load incorrectly according to the specifications
Refer to the user guide of your robot for payload specifications.
Failing to make a risk assessment of the full installation
Refer to
Failing to follow the guidelines for commissioning
Refer to
Use in medical and life critical applications
Operating outside the permissible operating parameters and environmental
Use in potentially explosive environments
Use outdoors
Use in hygiene zones
3.6 Risk assessment
You must make a risk assessment to achieve a safe installation. The risk assessment is the
responsibility of the commissioner who must ensure that MiR1000 is commissioned safely in
the environment it will be used in.
The risk assessment must cover not only MiR1000 itself, but also take into account potential
load transfer stations, work cells, and the work environment. MiR does not take any
responsibility for the creation of the risk assessment, but we provide information and
guidelines that may be used in the
MiR500 and MiR1000 Risk Analysis Guide
found on the
Distributor Site under
It is recommended that the commissioner follows the guidelines in ISO 12100, EN 1525, ANSI
B56.5, or other relevant standards to conduct the risk assessment.
In EN 1525, clause 4, there is a list of significant hazards, hazardous situations, and events
that can be used for inspiration.
3.7 Residual risks
Mobile Industrial Robots has identified the following potential hazards that commissioners
must inform personnel about and take all precautions to avoid: