Two Minirigs can link up together using the wireless Bluetooth connection. This allows you to create an immersive stereo soundstage
or to double up the sound in different areas without any cables.
1 meter
Turn both Minirigs ON in Bluetooth mode and place them around 1
meter or less apart – they only need to be close for this pairing
Select which one you want to use as the LEFT (master) speaker. You
may already be connected and playing music through this Minirig.
It is vital that that the other RIGHT (slave) Minirig does not have an audio
device connected to it. If it does they will not pair.
Press the button TWICE on
the LEFT (master) Minirig. Just
press and release both times,
don’t hold the button. You
will hear a “beep beep” tone.
After around 10 seconds they should pair. You will hear a “confir-
mation” tone from both Minirigs and the LEDs will stop flashing.
If the pairing is unsuccessful or if the search times out, you will
hear a different lower “failed” tone. Please try again or see FAQ
for assistance.
Once the Minirigs are paired, go ahead and connect your Bluetooth
audio device to the LEFT (master) speaker as usual. If you were pre-
viously paired and connected, it should automatically reconnect. In
wireless stereo you can only connect one Bluetooth audio device.
The Minirig will disconnect from your audio de-
vice and start searching for other Minirigs in the
area. The LED will flash white and red.
At any time you can stop the process by pressing
the button.
When it has found another Minirig, that minirig
will also start flashing white and red
pressing the button to pair for tws