REVISION A (09/2017)
Fault Resolu4on
Device fails ‘Blank Check’.
On this menu, locate the ’Erase before programming’ drop down menu & change the selec on to ‘Enable’ as
shown in the screenshot above.
Select ‘OK’ to apply the change.
The device is now ready to be erased, click ‘Yes’ at the bo?om of the Erase menu to begin.
The image shows a blank checking failure in the programming process. This will
appear if device has been previously programmed or failed to program part way
through & it will need to be erased before being reprogrammed.
Select ‘No’ located the box en tled ‘Repeat?’ this is a prompt on whether to
repeat the a?empt to program the device & the device will con nuously fail to
program un l the erase has been completed.
Navigate to the top of the IDE and select the menu ‘Device’. This will open a
sub-menu, select ‘Erase’. A new menu will now open detailing the seMngs for
erasing the device.