The calibrated value is displayed in the first LCD line, the second expected buffer
value in the second LCD line. The tag of the buffer already calibrated is listed under
the CAL tag.
For one-point calibration, press CAL to exit calibration. The instrument stores the
calibration and returns to Measurement mode.
To continue calibrating with additional buffers, rinse and place the pH and temperature
probes tip approximately 4 cm (1 ½”) into the next buffer solution and stir gently. Make
sure the temperature probe is positioned close to the pH probe.
If needed, press the
keys to select a different buffer value.
The instrument automatically skips the buffers already used for the previous
calibration points to avoid erroneous procedure.
Press RANGE to display the temperature reading during calibration.
Clear Calibration
1. Press CAL to enter Calibration mode.
2. Press LOG/CLR. “CLr CAL” is displayed shortly, then the instrument returns to
Measurement mode.