EasyARM v6
11.0. 2x16 LCD display
EasyARM v6
development system features an on-board connector for the alphanumeric 2x16 LCD display. This
connector is linked to the microcontroller via port PORT0. Potentiometer P1 is used to adjust display contrast. The LCD-
BCK switch on the DIP switch SW1 is used to turn the display backlight on/off.
Communication between this LCD and the microcontroller is performed in a 4-bit mode. Alphanumeric digits are dis-
played in two lines each containing up to 16 characters of 7x5 pixels.
Figure 11-3:
2x16 LCD display connection schematic
Figure 11-1
: Connector for alphanumeric LCD display
Figure 11-2
: Alphanumeric 2x16 LCD display