It is possible that during the course of
time the water container becomes har-
der to put into the appliance and take
out again.
If this happens the black O-Ring
should be lubricated with the silicone
grease supplied (see Accessories").
Leave the new O-Ring on the connec-
ting valve. Only use a very small
amount of grease!
When handling silicone grease please
observe the following safety measures:
– Remove any silicone grease from
your skin either by wiping it off or by
washing it off.
– If the grease gets into the eyes it
must be rinsed out with plenty of
clean water.
– If it is swallowed seek medical advi-
When lubricating the O-Ring only
use the silicone grease supplied. On
no account must margarine or oil or
any other domestic grease or fats be
used as these can cause the O-Ring
to deteriorate.
Cleaning and care