MIDITEMP MP 22-W, MP 22-CD, MP 88-W, MP 88-CD, PMM 88-E, MT 16-X
MIDITEMP MP 22-W, MP 22-CD, MP 88-W, MP 88-CD, PMM 88-E, MT 16-X
MIDITEMP MP 22-W, MP 22-CD, MP 88-W, MP 88-CD, PMM 88-E, MT 16-X
MIDITEMP MP 22-W, MP 22-CD, MP 88-W, MP 88-CD, PMM 88-E, MT 16-X
To do this, press
and call up with
« the function again.
, if you want to keep the just recorded tracks in memory. (See also below
“3.1.3 Permanent Record“)
Set synchronisation back to “
“ if you want to play the song back.
3.1.3 Permanent Record
3.1.3 Permanent Record
3.1.3 Permanent Record
3.1.3 Permanent Record
The MULTIPLAYER makes no distinction between its play and record functions.
The MULTIPLAYER makes no distinction between its play and record functions.
The MULTIPLAYER makes no distinction between its play and record functions.
The MULTIPLAYER makes no distinction between its play and record functions.
Even during
playback, it will record incoming data, so long as inputs have been selected for recording within the
“ function window. After stopping the Song, if the data is to be kept, simply call up the “
function again and confirm the recording.
Permanent record is brilliant for those situations where, e.g., you have just played a superb
solo and want to keep it or, if you have a digital mixer in use, you want to place an
automatisation manually. In this case you can confirm your acceptance and save the Song.
The record process does not compromise playback in any way, and is well within the
MULTIPLAYER’s capabilities. If you have enough spare memory, this is actually the best and
easiest way to proceed. (see “Keep tracks“, page 61)
While a Song is playing back, the MULTIPLAYER records any data
While a Song is playing back, the MULTIPLAYER records any data
While a Song is playing back, the MULTIPLAYER records any data
While a Song is playing back, the MULTIPLAYER records any data received at the designated MIDI
received at the designated MIDI
received at the designated MIDI
received at the designated MIDI
inputs until the Song finishes or the internal memory runs out.
inputs until the Song finishes or the internal memory runs out.
inputs until the Song finishes or the internal memory runs out.
inputs until the Song finishes or the internal memory runs out.
Any tracks which are not “kept“ are automatically erased either when the Song is started again, or
Any tracks which are not “kept“ are automatically erased either when the Song is started again, or
Any tracks which are not “kept“ are automatically erased either when the Song is started again, or
Any tracks which are not “kept“ are automatically erased either when the Song is started again, or
when you select a different Song.
when you select a different Song.
when you select a different Song.
when you select a different Song.
3.1.4 Recording MIDI Events (SysEx
3.1.4 Recording MIDI Events (SysEx
3.1.4 Recording MIDI Events (SysEx
3.1.4 Recording MIDI Events (SysEx, PC, CC ...)
, PC, CC ...)
, PC, CC ...)
, PC, CC ...)
As well as notes, other MIDI data can be recorded and organized in tracks. Such data might
include, e.g., Program Change messages, which select the sound on your synthesizers and
expanders before the Song starts, or SysEx information, which contains all the necessary internal
sound parameters for any synthesizers or modules in the system.
There is a special way of recording tracks which are to playback right at the beginning of the
Song and contain no notes (Program Changes, Control data, etc.):
Set synchronisation to “
MIDI Clock
“ (external)
to start the Song manually. In this case the MULTIPLAYER will not receive the
MIDI Start signal, which means it will stay on the first beat, yet it will still record.
Play in all the SysEx data, Program Changes, MIDI Volume etc., and stop the recording by
Confirm the recording with the “Keep Tracks“ function (see next page). You can now
assign the new tracks to the correct outputs using the “Output Assignment“ function (see
page 65).
02 tracks recorded - append to Song?