Flooded type water cooled screw chiller (PCB Control)
During refrigerant removal and storage operations follow applicable regulations. These regulations,
permitting conditioning and recovery of halogenated hydrocarbons under optimum quality
conditions for the products and optimum safety conditions for people, property and the environment.
Any refrigerant transfer and recovery operations must be carried out using a transfer unit. The units
must never be modified to add refrigerant and oil charging, removal and purging devices. All these
devices are provided with the units. Please refer to the certified dimensional drawings for the units.
Do not re-use disposable (non-returnable) cylinders or attempt to refill them. It is dangerous and
illegal. When cylinders are empty, evacuate the remaining gas pressure, and move the cylinders to
a place designated for their recovery. Do not incinerate.
Do not attempt to remove refrigerant circuit components or fittings, while the machine is under
pressure or while it is running. Be sure pressure is at 0 kPa before removing components or opening
a circuit.
Do not attempt to repair or recondition any safety devices when corrosion or build-up of foreign
material (rust, dirt, scale, etc.) is found within the valve body or mechanism.
If necessary, replace the device. Do not install safety valves in series or backwards.
No part of the unit must be used as a walkway, rack or support. Periodically check and repair or if
necessary replace any component or piping that shows signs of damage. The refrigerant lines can break
under the weight and release refrigerant, causing personal injury. Do not climb on a machine. Use a
platform, or staging to work at higher levels.
Use mechanical lifting equipment (crane, hoist, winch, etc.) to lift or move heavy components. For
lighter components, use lifting equipment when there is a risk of slipping or losing your balance.
Use only original replacement parts for any repair or component replacement.
Do not drain water circuits containing industrial brines, without informing the technical service
department at the installation site or a competent body first.
Close the entering and leaving water shut off valves and purge the unit water circuit, before working
on the components installed on the circuit (screen filter, pump, water flow switch, etc.).
Do not close the water box bolts until the water boxes have been completely drained.
Periodically inspect all valves, fittings and pipes of the refrigerant and hydronic circuits to ensure
that they do not show any corrosion or any signs of leaks.
It is recommended to wear ear defenders, when working near the unit and the unit is in operation.