Chapter 3: Using the Web Interface
Push out sensor readings
Sends internal sensor log, environmental sensor log or asset management strip
data to a remote server using HTTP POST requests. See
(on page 135).
Send email
Emails a textual message. See
Send sensor report
Reports the readings or status of the selected sensors, including internal or
external sensors. See
(on page 137).
Send SMS message
Sends a message to a mobile phone. See
(on page 140).
Send SNMP notification
Sends SNMP traps or informs to one or multiple SNMP destinations. See
(on page 141).
Switch outlets
Switches on, off or cycles the power to the specified outlet(s). See
(on page 143).
Switch peripheral dry contact
Switches on or off the mechanism or system connected to the specified dry
contact. See
(on page 144).
Syslog message
Makes the PDU automatically forward event messages to the specified syslog
server. See
(on page 145).
Enter the information as needed and click Create.
Then you can assign the newly created action to an event rule or schedule it. See
The Alarm is an action that requires users to acknowledge an alert. This helps ensure that the user is aware of the alert.
If the Alarm action has been included in a specific event rule and no one acknowledges that alert after it occurs, the PDU
resends or regenerates an alert notification regularly until the alert is acknowledged or the maximum number of alert
notifications is sent.
For information on acknowledging an alert, see
To create an alarm action:
Choose Device Settings > Event Rules >