8 Port Gigabit Ethernet Switch
User’s Manual
For different network applications, the subnet mask may look like This
means it is a small network accommodating a maximum of 15 nodes in the network.
Default gateway:
For the routed packet, if the destination is not in the routing table, all the traffic is put
into the device with the designated IP address, known as default router. Basically, it is a routing
policy. The gateway setting is used for Trap Events Host only in the switch.
For assigning an IP address to the switch, you just have to check what the IP address of
the network will be connected with the switch. Use the same network address and append your
host address to it.
Fig. 2-12
First, IP Address: as shown in the Fig. 2-12, enter “”, for instance. For sure, an
IP address such as 192.168.1.x must be set on your PC.
Second, Subnet Mask: as shown in the Fig. 2-12, enter “”. Any subnet mask
such as 255.255.255.x is allowable in this case.
The Domain Name Server translates human readable machine name to IP address. Every
machine on the Internet has a unique IP address. A server generally has a static IP address. To
connect to a server, the client needs to know the IP of the server. However, user generally uses
the name to connect to the server. Thus, the switch DNS client program (such as a browser) will
ask the DNS to resolve the IP address of the named server.