Key Features
Simple to Install
Solar Powered:
your Dual Maxi Display is powered for life by the Sun.
The innovative technology uses so little current and the power supply is
so efficient, that the display is independent from your boat's batteries.
your Tactick displays communicate by wireless, they can be
sited anywhere on your boat without disruption or cables.
Dedicated to Performance
Optimise your start:
the Dual Maxi Display's powerful functions for
Distance and Speed-Trim to the line, Line Bias and Race Timer help you
get the best possible start.
Enhance your performance
with the built-in functions for Wind Shift,
Velocity Made Good and Tack Course
Simplify your tidal navigation
with the Dual Maxi Display's Set, Drift,
Turn and Course to Steer functions.
Easy to Manage
Automatic data selection
: the innovative Auto Leg function allows the
display to automatically show the information you need for each leg of
the course.
Page Hiding
means you can avoid data duplication on different
displays, minimising the time to select the pages you really need.
Wireless Remote control:
your Dual Maxi display can
be controlled and configured from anywhere in the boat
using a Tacktick Remote display.
Excellent visibility
The large, high contrast LCD
gives the Dual Maxi Display a wide angle
of view and ensures excellent visibility from anywhere on your boat.
Two panes with 35mm digits
maximise the information available.
The black background
minimises disturbance to your night vision, and
the red/amber option allows you to choose the backlight colour of your
display at night.
Dual Maxi Display