Seatrial and Calibration
Seatrial and Calibration
Once a Tacktick Micronet system has been installed on the vessel and
Auto Networking has been completed it is necessary to carry out
It is not safe to use the displays for navigational purposes until
Calibration has been carried out correctly.
Accurate calibration is essential for successful use of the Dual
Maxi Display’s advanced functions. In particular, the calculation of Set
and Drift is sensitive to errors in the measured boat speed and the
compass heading and deviation. To ensure the maximum accuracy,
calibration must be carried out with great care.
System calibration cannot be carried out using the Dual Maxi
Display, use a Remote Display for this purpose. Refer to the Remote
Display user guide for the system calibration procedure.
To check the accuracy of your calibration, carry out the following tests:
Run directly into and against the current; you should see the difference
between SOG and SPEED to reverse (eg SOG 6.5 and SPEED 6 running
with the current and SOG 5.5 and SPEED 6 directly into the current
would indicate a good calibration).
In slack water with no wind, COG and HDG should match on all four
compass points (i.e. when steering a steady course North, East, South
and West).
If either SPEED or HEADING does not pass this test, refer to the Remote
Display user guide and perform the following calibrations:
Remote user guide - Speed Calibration
perform a log calibration
Remote user guide - Compass Calibration and Alignment
carry out a compass deviation turn
align the heading
Remote user guide Setup - Magnetic Variation
If your GPS is not providing Magnetic Variation data, manually set
the local Magnetic Variation.