1. Go to the
Wind Shift
2. Press
, the mean wind direction is reset to the current True Wind
3. The new value is displayed; if required, it may be adjusted using
and .
resetting the mean wind direction manually disables averaging
until the system is switched off.
Sailing Downwind
Sailing downwind, it is rarely fastest to aim directly for the mark. Usually
it is better to sail at a higher angle to increase boat speed and gybe as
necessary to reach the mark. The increase in speed can more than
compensate for the additional distance sailed. In technical terms, you
aim to dual Maximise your VMG (Velocity Made Good) towards the
(VMG to Waypoint) together with the True
Wind Angle to optimise your VMG to the downwind mark
Use the
page to help you time your gybes. Aim to
gybe on lifts, to keep sailing on the headed tack.
Sailing in Tidal Waters
When you are sailing in tidal conditions, your boat's actual Course Over
the Ground (COG) and Speed Over the Ground (SOG) may differ
considerably from the heading of the boat and the speed through the
water shown by the speed sensor.
The Dual Maxi Display provides the following functions to make your
tidal navigation easier.
When steering towards a waypoint in tidal conditions, it is
often difficult to assess the course to steer to keep on the
direct track to the mark. Your Dual Maxi Display
automatically indicates when the course you are steering is taking you
off the direct track to your waypoint. The direction and required angle of
turn is displayed.
Performance Functions