Removing Hard Disk Modules from DataDock
Drag the icon(s) for the hard drive modules into the Trash if the DataDock is connected to a
powered on Macintosh, otherwise press the triangular button next to the module on the
DataDock unit’s front panel.
When the triangular button is no longer lit, gently pull the module out of the DataDock using
its handle.
Inserting Hard Disk Modules in DataDock
If you have not done so already, turn on the DataDock unit.
Insert the modules into the DataDock unit.
Inserting a hard drive module into the DataDock.
Wait for the DataDock triangular button to stop blinking and glow steadily.
Wait for the hard disks to be recognized by the system.
The hard disk will be recognized by the system if a DataDock fixed or removable disk module was inserted
in the unit’s bay and powered up before system start-up. If the hard disk is not recognized, mount it using
DataDock compatible software or by restarting the computer.
(Macintosh) When a DAT module is removed from the DataDock, other modules inserted in its
place must be mounted using DataDock compatible software or by restarting the Macintosh.
(PC) If a DAT module is inserted in a DataDock bay during boot and another type of module is
inserted thereafter, the module’s media will not be seen by the system until the system has
been rebooted.
Shutting Down the Computer
Shut Down the computer.
Turn off the DataDock unit.