VM-6: Can the P320h/P420m SCSI driver be unloaded?
VMware does not support the ability to unload a device driver unless the driver load
fails and there are no kernel resources with open handles to the driver API; therefore,
after the driver loads successfully, there is no way to unbind the kernel handles to the
storage driver, resulting in the P320h/P420m SCSI driver that cannot be unloaded.
VM-7: Module information for mtip32xx-scsi indicates conflicting information about
the signed state of the driver
For ESXI 5.0: VMware no longer signs the binary image during certification; only the in-
stallation package is signed. To verify the driver installation image is signed, run the fol-
lowing command:
~ # esxcli software vib list | grep mtip
The output should appear as follows:
scsi-mtip32xx-scsi 2.3.0-1OEM.500.0.0.472560 Micron VMwareCertified 2012-11-29
"VMware Certified" indicates the installation package is signed and certified by
VM-8: Can the driver version be downgraded to an older version?
The following error may occur when trying to install an older version of the Micron
driver on a system running a newer version of the driver:
"The following problems were encountered trying to resolve dependencies: Requested
VIB 'name of the VIB file' is obsoleted by the host."
Uninstall any existing driver version before installing the older version. Refer to the in-
structions in this guide for removing a driver.
VM-9: When using tools such as esxcfg-scsidevs -l to inspect device details, the vendor
appears as ATA rather than Micron
VMware lists the vendor as
for compliance with the SAT specification. Changing
this value violates the specification. For actual vendor details, see the device identifier
and model information.
VM-10: A datastore cannot be created on the drive immediately following a SANITIZE
or SECURE ERASE operation; how can a datastore be created?
Because the kernel maintains its own cache of information, the kernel may become
confused following a SANITIZE or a SECURE ERASE operation when there was a previ-
ous partition table or datastore on the device. When the kernel attempts to retrieve in-
formation from its cache, it may receive an error. In these cases, the kernel marks the
device as read-only and a reboot is required to resolve the issue.
It is recommended to unmount any datastores on the drive prior to performing a
SECURE ERASE or SANITIZE operation, and then reboot the system to ensure the ker-
nel has the proper state of the partition table and any related formatting.
P420m/P320h HHHL PCIe SSD Installation Guide
PDF: 09005aef8497e00a
P420m_P320h_HHHL_installation_guide.pdf - Rev. V 12/14 EN
Micron Technology, Inc. reserves the right to change products or specifications without notice.
2012 Micron Technology, Inc. All rights reserved.