• Press
to return to the GUI. Finish the installation by clicking
Steps 7 and 8 below apply only if your system is booting from a uEFI shell
and your drive has been configured with a uEFI boot setting. If your drive has been
configured for a legacy boot setting, skip these steps. (Except for specific OEMs,
most customer bootable drives are configured with a legacy boot setting, which
means steps 7 and 8 can be skipped.)
7. (uEFI boot only) When the installer reaches the disk partitioning step,
must be configured to have a minimum 50MB partition of type EFI (or VFAT).
This partition contains the EFI boot binary. It is recommended that all of the
drives also be configured with the same size and type (VFAT) partition, even
though the installer will only allow the EFI partition on
to be mounted
8. (uEFI boot only) Continue the OS installation, but do not reboot when the installa-
tion completes. Before rebooting, perform these steps:
a. Press
to get to a command prompt.
b. Run the following commands for each drive beyond
, replacing X
with the number of the VFAT partition:
parted -s /dev/rssdX toggle 1 boot
dd if=/dev/rssda1 of=/dev/rssdX1
The last command assumes
is the EFI partition that gets moun-
ted to
. If a different partition is used for EFI, substitute that parti-
tion for
in the above command. Similarly, it assumes the VFAT
partition on the other drives is
. If a different partition is used for
VFAT on these other drives, make sure to adjust the 1 to reflect the correct
partition number.
c. Press
to return to the GUI installer and reboot.
9. (Legacy boot only) Continue with the installation until you are prompted for the
type of install.
a. Select
Create Custom Layout
The GUI menu displays all storage devices detected by the OS.
b. Locate and select
under the
Hard Drive
c. Click
to create a new partition.
You are prompted to specify the mount point and file system type and size.
• For the mount point, specify:
• For the file system, specify:
Note: ext2
file systems are alternate choices for the file system.
d. Specify
for the partition size, and then click
partition should indicate the size and mount point you
specified earlier.
The actual size of the partition depends on the type of installation. The
installer will notify you if the partition size is too small for the OS installation.
A minimum of 2GB is recommended to install Linux desktop. (Less space is
required for a basic server.) However, it is recommended to double the mini-
mum space requirement to allow space for applications and file storage.
e. Repeat step c but specify
for the file system.
P420m/P320h HHHL PCIe SSD Installation Guide
Using the P420m or P320h as a Boot Drive
PDF: 09005aef8497e00a
P420m_P320h_HHHL_installation_guide.pdf - Rev. V 12/14 EN
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