Use the navigation keys and OK key to use various features in the FM
radio interface.
Fil e Manager
Me n u
Fil e man ager
Allows you to view and manage files available in your phone or memory
Torch Light
Long press
key to switch the torch on/off, or you can go to Menu
Or g anizer
Torch to switch the torch on/off.
P h one Language
Me n u
Settin gs
Phon e settin gs
Lang uage
You can change the phone language according to your preference.
M ob ile Tracker
Me n u
Settin gs
Security settin gs
Mobil e tracker
You can enable Mobile tracker which lets you receive notifications from
your device in case it is stolen.
Factory Reset
Me n u
Settin gs
Restore factory settings
Use this feature to restore your phone to the factory settings. This resets
all settings to the default and results in data loss, therefore, please take a
backup of all the data before resetting the phone. Default password is
0000 or 1234.